1. To start out, I will compile the major mailing list of key national broadcast and print and personal contacts. I will also concentrate on key target areas depending on what will work best. 

2. What distinguishes me from other publicists is that I’ve been on both sides of the fence having worked as a producer in both radio and TV. I’ve been able to create rapport and a more solid bond because I can relate to what media’s needs are. 

3. I provide a monthly progress report stating bookings, key media contacts called, which media has expressed interest and which media was not interested at the time. This way you’ll always have a good idea of the work that has been completed. The publicity update also will list circulation, estimated listenership, target audiences etc. 

4. I will do all the coordination necessary and forward any needed materials directly to the shipping service. 


If not already available, a press kit that will be created may include the following:

Press Release
Pitch Letter
Endorsement Sheet
Tip or How To Sheet 
(If applicable.)  
(Example: 10 Tips to Beating Stress or How to Make Failure Work for You.)


Select the markets and media that will be most conducive to your focus and the most likely to air your message and views.  

Hone in on the biggest media markets in the country.

Target anchor media nationally as well as regionally.

Maximize exposure by producing the most creative publicity angles.
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